Faculty & Staff
Meet our Staff

Principal Jeffery Maucieri
Email: jmaucieri@benedictpride.org

Mrs. Michele Forsythe, Secretary
Email: mforsythe@benedictpride.org

Ms. Kim Smith
Pre School 4 year olds
Email: ksmith@benedictpride.org

Ms. April Bishop
Email: abishop@benedictpride.org

Miss Betty Ann Bensor
1st Grade
Email: bbensor@benedictpride.org

Brother Michael Miller, O.S.B.
2nd Grade
Email: mmiller@benedictpride.org

Mrs. Jamie Shovestull
3rd Grade
Email: jshovestull@benedictpride.org

Mrs. Clare Eckenrode
4th Grade
Email: ceckenrode@benedictpride.org

Mrs. Mary Solnosky
5th and 6th Grade
Email: msolnosky@benedictpride.org

Sister Diana Polanco
Email: dpolanco@benedictpride.org

Mrs. Kimberly Lallemand
8th Grade
Email: klallemand@benedictpride.org

Mrs. Nina Tedeschi
Email: ntedeschi@benedictpride.org

Ms. Anna Farabaugh
7th Grade
Email: akline@benedictpride.org

Ms. Heather McNulty
Computers and Pre School 3 year olds
Email: hmcnulty@benedictpride.org