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On January 14th, 2019 “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) went live in schools across Pennsylvania including schools within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown. Keep reading to learn more about S2SS!
In 2018, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use of the “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) anonymous reporting system by every Pennsylvania school entity.
On January 14th, 2019 “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) went live in schools across Pennsylvania including schools within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown.
Our students often are aware of the problems their peers are facing, so we must empower them to know the danger signs and give them the tools to help each other with the assistance of trained and caring adults. As you know, most conversations are taking place on social media, therefore it is critical that we teach our students to be looking out for one another as these digital conversations are taking place. S2SS teaches them what to look for in text, video and photos while empowering them to act quickly to help a fellow student.
S2SS is a life-saving and changing school safety program that teaches students, educators, and administrators how to:
(1) recognize the signs and signals of individuals who may be at risk of hurting themselves or others
(2) anonymously report this information through the S2SS app, website, or 24/7 Crisis Center Hotline
For more information on S2SS please view the brochure and visit: